Thursday, June 7, 2018

Are you looking to raise money for your startup...?

The common assumption is that startup fundraising is a very challenging process. Well,  It is. However, chances are increased when done properly and assuming that you do have an attractive venture.. I have visited many VCs globally. The majority  are overflowing with too many startup's decks. The challenge is not only about competing for the VCs attention but mainly reaching the "right" venture or managing partner, with the exat message. By saying "message" I do not only speak about the pitch. It is not enough. 

Like any talent, your startup could use an expert who can promote your interest and chances during the fundraising process, in the most professional way.  It starts with the right networking and continues with focusing on the right person at the VC, and delivering the right message while matching the investment criteria. 

This is exactly one of my contributions to the global startups ecosystem (alongside strategic business development, technology scouting and advisory board). So...  are you thinking about strategic fundraising? I'd be delighted to asses your chances. 

    Thursday, May 17, 2018

    Innovation, intuition and... inspiration?

    Every business has challenges, from sales to R&D, operations and HR. I have been there many times. Most of the ambitious businesses (corporations and startups alike) realize that innovation is a must growth factor.

    Innovation can and should be a methodological process, as an acquired skill that can benefit with all functions of given organization.  In my previous posts I have claimed that anyone can innovate. The great thing about it is that there is no need to think out of the box or even break the box...
    Embracing change or innovation is not always easy or intuitive. During my career I have experienced very complicated business situations, countless of times. As a systemic and organized business leader, I was always amazed by what I thought was "inspirational moments" which led me to solve very complicated business challenges (in companies such as 3M, Unilever, and few startups). I realize now that it has nothing to do with inspiration or "muse" - it was the innovative thinking process which created the so called "inspiration". I will say it again - anyone can innovate.
    The innovation ingredients are already existed at your organization. All you need is a spark (or a professional like me...) to unleash the already existed innovative capabilities.  Let's talk. 

    Thursday, May 10, 2018

    Innovation is all about thinking together.

    Innovation process can be fun, creative, positive and dynamic as individual strengths and teamwork blended into solid growth plan.
    The ability of team members to enroll into a real “thinking together” mode is the essence of strategic innovation dialogue, in its true sense. The outcome is not only growth plan but also full consensus in regards to what we are going to do different.

    Achieving a consensus is very significant because it implies that the entire team is synchronized and committed to the culture of innovation.

    Wednesday, May 9, 2018

    Invitation for innovation...

    Every business has challenges. It is time move forward from the challenge state to the solution state.

    Implementing out of the box innovation methodologies properly, the outcome should be significant improvement in business procedures, system capabilities and eventually better business performance.

    It is more likely that a more flexible, adaptive and responsive organization will prosper these days.  I'd be happy to think together and be part of the solution state.

    Monday, April 16, 2018

    Innovation requires unpredictable thinking process

    Innovation requires unpredictable thinking process. It does not have to be complicated... Thinking out of the pattern (or the box) is not always intuitive, but it sure creates a possible change which is amazingly powerful. In some cases, one does not need to re-invent the wheel, but just re-think about something that did not work in the past, take the lead and do it differently. 

    Sunday, March 25, 2018

    Innovation & toys (R us).

    Let me start by saying that there are obvious reasons as for why companies can't survive bankruptcy. Huge debt is a major one. Financial management is critical but there is more to it. In a very competitive business environment, innovation is not just a buzz word, it is a must. Imperative. It is a mean to an end (growth) as the alternative is a dead end. I argue that the rapid pace of technology changes in global markets highlights the importance of scouting for and incorporating technologies from the innovation ecosystem. 

    I have seen few leading global "toy players" (and by players I refer to corporations, manufacturers and startups) looking for, developing and implementing innovation as a growth strategy. To be more specific, I would say that technologies such as Machine Learning / Augmented Reality / Artificial Intelligence / Virtual Reality. are all very interesting and relevant to these and all players, literally.
    As stated in one of my previous posts, innovation, like any change, can be a very tricky thing... Sometimes it is not enough to think out of the box; one may need to break it in order to survive, grow and thrive. Saying "If it is not broken, don't fix it" is no longer relevant argument, when it comes to innovation.
    I would be delighted to elaborate on possible innovation strategies and process implementation, as well as possible technology scouting solutions.

    Tuesday, March 13, 2018

    Why open Innovation is an essential mean of growth?

    It is evident that the advancement in technology is dictating new "rules of engagement", new business models and innovation also in terms of business development. Change in the way of thinking and doing business is no longer a matter of choice but an essential mean of growth.
    For many years the intellectual property (IP) has been considered as closed innovation. It means that IP has been controlled internally and served only the company itself. Open innovation, from the other hand, means that the company can also profit (for example) from licensing its IP to others, thus enabling new business models.
    Research and development departments (R&D) served as an engine for new inventions, which has been developed and distributed by the company itself. The open innovation concept would suggest joined R&D efforts, which means that the company could benefit from other R&D source (a startup company, for example) realizing that there are other bright minds, in the same functional area, out there. The advantage is not only about increasing innovation but also about accelerating time to market. The company can integrate relevant technology from the outside, and use its already existed business infrastructure.
    This could be a great business collaboration for the company and the startup as each business entity can benefit from the other's relevant strength. It is a winning combination of technological agility and business know how.
    I am speaking from my own experience - during the past two decades, I have been intensively involved with several global corporations in business leadership positions (3M, Unilever & AMEX GBT). I have also worked for innovative startups, including one of my own.
    It is essential to look beyond the existing business boundaries and gain access to new ideas, technologies and business models. Using open innovation methodology can accelerate business growth by providing critical competitive advantage.
    Need a practical idea about open innovation?